Guide to the main INTERNET PORTALS
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    Find Main Portals by subject:
Archives, Journals & Encyclopedias Entertainment
Find articles in Journals, Eric, Medline, Britannica, etc. Movie reviews, TV, Music, MP3, etc.
Finance General Search Engines
Financial News, Stock Quotes, etc. Integrated Meta-engines, Combined Meta-search, Linked Engines, Large Engines
News & Media Sex - Adult Search Engines & Links Sites
Current news from Newspapers, TV networks, etc.
Shareware sites Shopping
Books, Computer Hardware, Auction, CD's, DVD's,
Sports Travel
Sports News, Links to all kinds of sports, etc. Hotels, Ticket ordering, Maps, Weather, etc.

    Find Main Portals by countries:
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil
Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa-Rica
Cuba Cyprus Czech-Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt
El-Salvador Estonia Finland France Germany Greece
Guatemala Honduras Hong-Kong Hungary Iceland India
Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan
Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Luxembourg Madagascar
Malaysia Malta Mexico Monaco Morocco Netherlands
New-Zealand Nicaragua Norway Oman Panama Paraguay
Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto-Rico Qatar
Romania Russia Saudi-Arabia Scotland Singapore Slovakia
South-Africa Spain Sri-lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan
Tibet Turkey Ukraine United-Arab-Emirates United-Kingdom U.S.A
Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam

    What is a Portal?

     "Portal" is an internet word that started to catch up very strongly a few years ago. It refers usually to a main guide that includes a search engine, plus additional content (such as current news, entertainment info, etc.), designed to keep you at the portal for as long as possible. A good example would be Google, Yahoo, CNN, AOL, etc. So now every leading Search engine, Access provider or Information network would like to become a portal.

     We extend the definition of the term portal to include also meta search engines that allow you to combine the results of other searchable sites and some SuperStores. A Good example would be Froogle (by Google), Dealtime, or (by CNet), which allows you to search multiple online computer hardware shops, and gives you as a result a very useful table of info about which Online shops sell the item you want, their phone number, is the item in stock, do they sell internationally, etc. Another good example is, which allows you to conduct a similar search for books, and calculates for you which Online book shops will give you the best price for the book that you want, INCLUDING the shipment to your area.

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